Editorial Solution

Let's first understand the 4-bit binary counter before implementing it.

  • A 4-bit binary counter can count up to 2^4=16 states, ranging from 0x00 to 0x0F. The table below shows the counts for the counter.
Counter Value in DecimalCounter Value in HexadecimalBinary Count of Counter

Let's connect hardware,

  • We need to use a proper resistor for each LED to limit the current flowing through them to 10mA.
  • As we can see below, the resistor value is 320Ω,  So we can use a standard resistor near 320Ω which is 330Ω or 300Ω.
  • We need to use two push-button switches to increment and decrement the count. While interfacing the switch, we need to carefully connect it, so that it will provide GPIO levels i.e. LOW and HIGH.
  • To make sure HIGH and LOW voltage levels, we need to use PULLUP or PULLDOWN resistors. 
  • However, Arduino UNO GPIO has an internal PULLUP Resistor, which can be used for the Switch interface.
  • To enable the internal pull-up resistor, configure the GPIO pin as follows: pinMode(switch_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);.  

 Circuit Diagram


uint8_t ledPins[4] = {2, 3, 4, 5};            // LED pins connected to pins 2, 3, 4, 5
uint8_t switchPins[2] = {8, 9};               // Switch pins connected to pins 8, 9 

uint8_t counter = 0;                          // Initial counter value 

uint8_t debounceDelay = 50;                    // Debounce delay time (in milliseconds)
unsigned long lastDebounceTime[2] = {0, 0};   // Stores last debounce time for each switch
uint8_t lastButtonState[2] = {HIGH, HIGH};    // Stores the last state of each button
uint8_t ButtonState[2] = {HIGH, HIGH};        // Store the current state of each button

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    pinMode(ledPins[i], OUTPUT);             // Initialize LED pins as OUTPUT
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    pinMode(switchPins[i], INPUT_PULLUP);    // Initialize switch pins as INPUT_PULLUP


void loop() {
  // check increment switch 
  if (isButtonPressed(0) && counter < 15) {

  // check decrement switch
  if (isButtonPressed(1) && counter > 0) {

// Check if a button has been pressed with debouncing
bool isButtonPressed(uint8_t switchIndex) {
  int reading = digitalRead(switchPins[switchIndex]);       
  // If the button state has changed
  if (reading != lastButtonState[switchIndex]) {
    lastDebounceTime[switchIndex] = millis();                 // Reset debounce timer
  lastButtonState[switchIndex] = reading; 
  // If the state has remained stable for the debounce period(50 ms), consider it a valid press
  if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime[switchIndex]) > debounceDelay) {
    if (reading !=ButtonState[switchIndex] ) {
     ButtonState[switchIndex] = reading; 
     // Checking if the button is pressed(LOW)
      if (ButtonState[switchIndex] == LOW) {  
        return true;                             // Return true indicating a valid press
  return false;                            // No valid press detected

// Update LEDs based on the current counter value
void updateLEDs() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    digitalWrite(ledPins[i], (counter >> i) & 1);  

Code explanation

bool isButtonPressed(uint8_t switchIndex);

  • This function ensures proper button press detection by handling switch bounce, avoiding multiple triggers and noise spikes.
  •  Debounce Logic:
    •  If the button state changes, the debounce timer resets. It waits for the state to stay stable for a short time (Debounce Delay) to avoid noise. After the debounce period, if the button is pressed (state is LOW), it returns true.    

void updateLEDs();

  •      This function updates the state of LEDs.


  • 4-bit Binary Counter hardware setup


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