Editorial Solution

Let’s do the hardware connection. We need a potentiometer to vary input-signal voltage. We can use any potentiometer with value from 1K to 10K ohms.





Arduino IDE has a serial plotter tool, we can open it by clicking below 

To plot data on the serial plotter, we need to simply send data to the Serial monitor with a new line (Serial.println()), where the new line separates the values.


Let’s code.


void setup() {

void loop() {
  // Read the analog values from A0
  int analogValueA0 = analogRead(A0);

  // For the Serial Plotter, just print the values without any text
  delay(100);  // Add a short delay to control the update rate

Code explanation

  • analogRead(analogPin):  reads  ADC value.
  • Serial.println:  print ADC_value on Serial monitor.



The circuit is easy. Shown below

The output of increasing value is as above


Output video

  • As we can see in the video, the Serialplotter plots values w.r.t. a change in the potentiometer.


The serial plotter is one of the very useful features provided by Arduino IDE. It is very easy to understand any data visually, rather than a list of numbers.

The multiple values can also be plotted simultaneously, using the “\t” tab. If we send 2 values with a tab separating them, both values will be plotted on the Serial plotter simultaneously.



  • There is no option for vertical and horizontal scrolling so it limits viewing waveform over time range. 




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