Articles->ESP32 Tools and Guidelines

ESP32 Tools and Guidelines


We are here to learn and Practice ESP32 to master it! 

We always believe the only way to do it is by implementing hundreds of programs on ESP32! 

The process is enjoyable, implementing new programs, and challenges every day!

Each program will teach us about Arduino and its functionalities in the best possible way.

Along with the programming tasks, there are meaningful quizzes to solve. It will push us to learn/ understand each concept in depth. Consider the quizzes as more of learning/ understanding the concept, don’t skip them.

The platform is designed in such a way that anyone having beginner, mid, or expert level can start solving tasks and quizzes. There is value for every user. 


How to Practice

  • Get all the necessary tools & components. (The list is provided below, it’s super affordable and easy)
  • Set daily goals (e.g. 2 Tasks + 2 Quizzes) daily.
  • Solving it on a daily basis: consistency is key ✅
  • Quizzes are designed to gain more knowledge and depth on each concept: Get the learning from each question. (keep your own notes)


Components & Tools

Where to get tools and components?

We can find all the components and tools listed below at the 

All the component's buying links from Mouser Electronics are provided.

General Essential:

S NoComponentsQuantityDescriptionBuy link
1Breadboard2A medium-sized breadboard for building circuits without solderingBuy
2Jumper Wires Set1

A set of male-to-male, male-to-female, and female-to-female jumper wires (around 30-40 wires) to connect components on the breadboard.


3Resistors Set1common values (220Ω, 1kΩ, 10kΩ) for use in various circuits.Buy
4LEDs1Different colored LEDs for practicing basic GPIO, PWM, and visual feedback.Buy
5Push Buttons & Switches1Basic pushbuttons and toggle switches to implement user inputsBuy
6Potentiometer1A 10kΩ potentiometer for ADC and PWM control exercises.Buy
7Capacitors  1A small selection (100nF, 10µF) for filtering and timing applications.Buy
 Transistors1For Switching and driving applicationsBuy
8Multimeter1For checking voltages, continuity, and component testing.Buy
9Wire Stripper1To prepare jumper wires when needed.Buy
10Screwdriver1A small flat or Phillips screwdriver may be required for assembling modules.Buy


Sensors and Modules

S NoComponentsQuantityDescriptionBuy link
 Piezo Buzzer1For practicing sound generation and feedbackBuy
 LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)1For light sensor applications.Buy
 DHT11/DHT221Temperature & Humidity SensorBuy
 Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04)1For distance measurement tasks and small projects.Buy
 7-Segment Display1Single or 4-digit common cathode for practicing display and GPIO.Buy
 Relay Module1For switching high-power devices using low-power GPIOBuy
 128x64 OLED Display1Simplifies output tasks, allowing you to display messages and sensor data.Buy
 Servo Motor (SG90 or similar)1Useful for control applications using PWM.Buy
 Small DC Motor1For practicing motor control via PWM.Buy
 RGB LED2For practicing multi-color LED control with PWM.Buy


Development Board

S NoComponentsQuantityDescriptionBuy link
 ESP321For programming and application building.Buy
 USB Cable1Used to connect the ESP32 to computer for programming and power.Buy

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